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  • Writer's pictureRheumaChica

Introducing... Joaquin♡Sticks

I remember a few years back, I was with my family in New Orleans for the new years eve. It was really cold that night and we had to park really far from where we we're going to eat. While the rest of my family walked as fast as they cluld to avoid the cold, my mom was having so much trouble walking. She had to lean on me and use me for support. I remember her looking at a cane that was being sold at a shop and jokingly saying she should get it. No one paid much attention and she kept on walking in pain. Every once in a while she would have trouble walking but one day out of nowhere she couldn't take it anymore and started using a walking stick. She didn't want any of us to call it a cane because it sounded like something older people use. So we called it a "walking stick". Once she started using it and realizing how helpful it was, she became more confident. She ignored the people who said she was too young to be using it. Finally we all understood that the walking stick was created to help anyone at any age. My mom has lupus. She has flares and sometimes she needs it and sometimes she doesn't. We understand how much walking sticks, mobility aids, canes whatever you want to call them help a younger generation too. This is how Joaquin♡Sticks was created. We want to give someone who suffers from invisible illnesses a chance to receive a Joaquin♡Stick. If you would like to enter for a chance to receive one, please share your autoimmune story with (that's my mom) and we will announce our recipient on the 1st of every month. Thank you for your interest and maybe one day we can give away more. Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Joaquin, I'm 13 years old and this is Joaquin♡Sticks.

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