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  • Writer's pictureRheumaChica

About Me.

Lupus SLE. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Scoliosis. Chronic Migraine. Bursitis.

This is ridiculous right? I can actually keep going with my list but honestly, IT DOES NOT DEFINE ME, but it is a part of my story. My name is Jackie aka RheumaChica. I was born in the early '80's and raised in Texas. I'm also the wife of an Air Force Reserve Officer, mother of 2 teenage boys and dog mom. I love anything and everything Disney, vintage clothing, polka dots and I love the beach! I believe in retail therapy, especially if it's on sale and I love a good beer and have a sweet tooth for pan dulce! I worked for hospice for just over 10 years until an accident forced me and my family to make the hard decision to stay home. I went to college for a couple of years until I met and married the love of my life. We decided to start a family and boy did I fall in love with being a mom. We were living a good life but I think we had always known something wasn't right with me physically. I used to get sick a lot and it wasn't for several year after having children that I was diagnosed with having an autoimmune condition. I was first diagnosed with Graves Disease which eventually I ended up having to have it removed with radioactive iodine. Then came mixed connective tissue disease, then Rheumatoid Arthritis then Lupus and those were just the beginning. Being diagnosed did not happen as easy as it sounded, I was "diaguessed" for over 6 years until I finally found a doctor who took the time to review and look at everything. I now also deal with Post Concussion Syndrome (I'll tell you that story another day) which brought on the chronic migraine problems I deal with today. My story is a lot like other people who are out there and I hope that I can bring you information, laughter and positivity. My goal is to spread awareness and be a resource for those having to deal with Chronic Illnesses.

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